Frequently Asked QuestionsFAQ

You can help raise awareness about TCDs work by sharing information on social media, attending TCD events, and encouraging your friends and colleagues to support TCDs mission.

TCD welcomes collaboration with other organizations and stakeholders. Contact TCD directly to discuss potential collaboration opportunities.

TCD offers various volunteering opportunities, including event organizing, fundraising, research, and social media management. Visit the TCD website to learn more about volunteering opportunities.

Yes, TCD accepts donations from international donors. You can make a donation through the TCD website or by contacting TCD directly.

TCD is a non-profit organization registered in Tanzania. Donations made to TCD are tax-deductible under Tanzanian tax laws. Please consult your tax advisor for specific information.

Yes, you can specify the program or activity you would like your donation to support. Contact TCD directly to discuss your preferences.

Yes, you can make a recurring donation to TCD through its website or by contacting TCD directly.

Your donation will be used to support TCDs programs and activities, including civic education and awareness campaigns, policy research and analysis, election monitoring, and capacity building for civil society organizations and local government officials.

You can make a donation to TCD through various channels, including online donations, bank transfers, or by contacting TCD directly. Visit the TCD website to learn more about the donation process.

TCDs programs and services are designed to benefit a wide range of stakeholders, including civil society organizations, political parties, government agencies, media organizations, and the general public. You can benefit from TCDs programs and services by participating in civic education and awareness campaigns, attending TCD events and workshops, accessing policy research and analysis, and receiving capacity building support.

TCD works in partnership with other organizations and stakeholders, including civil society organizations, government agencies, political parties, media organizations, and international organizations, to achieve its goals. TCD believes that collaboration and collective action are essential for promoting democracy, human rights, and good governance in Tanzania.

TCD maintains its independence and impartiality by adhering to a strict code of ethics and principles, conducting objective research and analysis, and engaging in constructive dialogue with all stakeholders.

There are various ways to get involved with TCD, including volunteering, making a donation, attending TCD events and workshops, or becoming a member.

TCD is primarily funded through grants and donations from local and international organizations, as well as contributions from individual supporters.

TCDs programs and services are designed to benefit a wide range of stakeholders, including civil society organizations, political parties, government agencies, media organizations, and the general public.

TCD undertakes various programs and activities, including civic education and awareness campaigns, policy research and analysis, election monitoring, and capacity building for civil society organizations and local government officials.

TCDs mission is to strengthen democracy, human rights, and good governance in Tanzania through advocacy, research, and capacity building.

The Tanzania Centre for Democracy (TCD) is a non-profit organization that aims to promote and protect democracy, human rights, and good governance in Tanzania.